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US agents busted $2 million of cocaine in Florida, and it may be the latest shipment from a growing drug hotspot

Field Operations officers from US Customs and Border Protection intercepted about 154 pounds of cocaine, with an estimated value of $2 million, last month hidden on a ship arriving at Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Business Insider - Christopher Woody 07/03/2016

Photo: Business Insider

Photo: Business Insider

Field Operations officers from US Customs and Border Protection intercepted about 154 pounds of cocaine, with an estimated value of $2 million, last month hidden on a ship arriving at Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

The size and value of the seizure are significant in their own right. However, the fact that the vessel was arriving from Guayaquil, Ecuador, is a sign of how that South American nation, nestled between Colombia and Peru on the Pacific coast, has become a major hub of cocaine trafficking.

Other operations in recent weeks illustrate how Ecuador has become an embarkation point for cocaine from the Andean region of South America.

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