Correa’s Social-Media Troll Center Exposed in Quito

PanAm Post - Rebeca Morla 26/03/2015

A photograph released by Foundación Mil Hojas of the office of Ribeney SA shows alleged social-media trolls hard at work for President Correa. (Fundación Mil Hojas)

A photograph released by Foundación Mil Hojas of the office of Ribeney SA shows alleged social-media trolls hard at work for President Correa. (Fundación Mil Hojas)

An investigation released on Tuesday, March 24, by Fundación Mil Hojas has revealed one of the alleged social-media troll centers of the Citizen Revolution in Ecuador.

The report unveils previously unpublished images of Ribeney SA, an office located in an exclusive business district in Quito, decorated with photographs and poster images of President Rafael Correa and Che Guevara. According to Mil Hojas, Ribeney employees operate multiple social-media accounts dedicated to monitoring and attacking the Ecuadorian opposition.

A photograph released by Foundación 1000 Hojas of the office of Ribeney SA shows alleged social-media trolls hard at work for President Correa.

According to the Companies Registry of Quito, Ribeney has two shareholders: Carlos Venegas Quiñonez and his son, Carlos Venegas Chamorro. It started operations in August 2013, with an initial capital of less than US$1,000.

Jairo Vera Lino is listed as the general manager of the business. According to information provided by the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS), Vera’s previous work experience includes time as a farm laborer in the province of Manabí.

To read the complete article, please follow the link.

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