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Ecuador's Sacha field to stay in state hands

Ecuador's President Lenín Moreno said that state E&P company Petroamazonas will continue to operate the Sacha field at block 60.

BN Americas - David Casallas 16/08/2017

Foto: BN Americas

Foto: BN Americas

Ecuador's President Lenín Moreno said that state E&P company Petroamazonas will continue to operate the Sacha field at block 60.

Moreno made the announcement during a sector review of the Esmeraldas refinery along with hydrocarbons minister Carlos Pérez.

Petroamazonas took over Sacha last year from Operaciones Río Napo CEM, a JV between Petroamazonas and Venezuela's PDVSA that was ordered into liquidation following PDVSA's withdrawal from the partnership.

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